Oglala Sioux Tribe

Sex Offender Registry
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Welcome to the Oglala Sioux Tribe sex offender information website. The purpose of this website is to provide information to the public concerning the location of sex offenders within the Oglala Sioux Tribe Reservation. The information contained in this website is based on information provided at the time a sex offender registers. Address information is subject to frequent change. The information contained in this website "may" not reflect the current residence, status, or other information regarding the offender.

Conditions of Use:

Oglala Sioux Tribe Department of Public

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In 2006 the South Dakota State Legislature amended the sex offender registry laws to provide a public access internet site which lists all offenders registered in the State.
The Division of Criminal Investigation does its best to assure that the information presented here is accurate and current. This site is updated on a regular basis; however the information can change quickly. It is possible that information accessed or obtained through this Web site may not reflect current residences, employment, school attendance, or other information regarding such individuals. This current registration information is available to you. Pursuant to SDCL 22-24B-10 "An offender's registration compliance status and registration information, other than the registrant's social security number, victim name, DNA sample, and the names, addresses, and phone numbers for local contacts and next of kin are public information." This additional public registration information can be viewed at the police station of the municipality in which the sex offender resides, temporarily domiciles, attends school, attends postsecondary education classes, or works. If no chief of police exists for that location, then the information will be with the sheriff of that county.

This information is being made available on the Internet to facilitate public access to information about persons who have committed sex offenses to enable you to take appropriate precautions to protect yourself and those in your care from possible harm. OSTDPS has not assessed any specific risk of re-offense with regard to any individual prior to his or her inclusion within this registry, and has made no determination that any individual included in the registry is currently dangerous. The reason for providing this information is to make it more easily available and accessible, not to warn about any specific individual. Individuals included within the registry are included solely by virtue of their conviction record and state law. Public access to registry information is intended solely to educate the public.

It is your responsibility to make sure the records you access through this site pertain to the person about whom you are seeking information. A positive identification of an individual cannot be conclusively established by comparing name, date of birth, social security number or other information with that provided in this registry. Comparisons based on appearance may also be misleading, and cannot establish a positive identification without some possibility of error. The only way to positively link someone to a sex offender record is through fingerprint verification. Therefore, extreme care should be exercised in using any information obtained from this web site. Neither the DCI nor the State of South Dakota shall be responsible for any errors or omissions produced by secondary dissemination of this information.

ANY PERSON WHO USES INFORMATION CONTAINED IN OR ACCESSED THROUGH THIS WEBSITE TO THREATEN, INTIMIDATE, OR HARASS ANY INDIVIDUAL, INCLUDING REGISTRANTS OR FAMILY MEMBERS, OR WHO OTHERWISE MISUSES THIS INFORMATION, MAY BE SUBJECT TO CRIMINAL PROSECUTION. A violation is a Class 6 felony and the violator could be sentenced to the South Dakota State Penitentiary for up to two years and could be fined up to $4,000. If you believe that any of the information found in these records is in error, or you would like additional information, please contact the sheriff of the county or the chief of police of the city where the sex offender resides.
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